Manage the preparation, loading, receipt, shipment, handling and storage of products, in compliance with standards 按照標準管理產(chǎn)品的準備、裝載、接收、裝運、處理和儲存
Main missions 主要任務(wù)
1 - Manage the preparation and loading of shipments, manage associated documents 管理發(fā)貨的準備和裝載及相關(guān)文件
- Prepare for the loading of shipments and adapt to risks
- 準備裝運貨物并適應風(fēng)險
- Print delivery notes and check they correspond to the goods prepared
- 打印送貨單,并與準備好的貨物進(jìn)行核對
- Print associated Galia labels
- 打印相應的Galia標簽
- Manage the loading of lorries in compliance with the loading plan
- 根據裝載計劃管理貨車(chē)的裝載
- Check the conformity and quality of loaded packages
- 檢查裝包的合格性和質(zhì)量
- Detect and solve classic problems inherent to his/her role and ensure that the best solution is chosen
- 發(fā)現并解決其崗位的常見(jiàn)問(wèn)題,并確保選擇***的解決方案
2 - Check the quantity and quality of goods received and manage associated documents 負責接收和管理相關(guān)文件的數量和質(zhì)量
- Electronically record the receipt of all products upon arrival and check the quantity and quality of packages
- 電子記錄所有產(chǎn)品到達后的收據,并檢查收到的包裹數量和質(zhì)量
- Voice usage reservations and if necessary, raise a dispute in the event of non-conformity
- 如有必要,使用語(yǔ)音保留,在不一致的情況下提出爭議
- Store goods in the designated storage areas
- 在指定的存放區存放貨物
- Hand the delivery note and the associated transport warrant to the Logistics Department
- 將送貨單和相關(guān)的運輸憑證交給物流部門(mén)
3 - Guarantee the cleanliness and safety of his/her assigned area, and of associated equipment 確保其指定區域及相關(guān)設備的清潔和安全
- Ensure the cleanliness of storage areas
- 確保倉庫的清潔
- Report all anomalies regarding equipment used
- 報告所有設備異常情況
- Comply with and ensure compliance with safety rules regarding flows and handling
- 遵守并確保符合有關(guān)流程和處理的安全規則
4 - Promote continuous improvement 管理水平的持續提高
- Communicate instructions at shift handover
- 在換班交接時(shí)傳達指示
- Help others and demonstrate versatility
- 幫助他人,展示自己的多技能
- Train new employees and ensure the continuous training of successors
- 培訓新員工,確保換班人的繼續培訓
- Suggest improvements in his/her field of activity
- 在其工作范圍內提出建議建議進(jìn)行改善
- Attend meetings and working groups when invited
- 受邀參加會(huì )議和工作小組
5 - Update, check and keep an inventory of stock 更新,檢查和管理庫存
- Manage stocks per area
- 管理庫存單位面積
- Report all anomalies (incorrect storage, mixing of part numbers, etc.) and make any necessary changes
- 報告所有異常情況(錯誤的存儲,混合零件編號等),并做出必要的更改
- Take inventories, transmit elements and make any necessary changes
- 盤(pán)點(diǎn)存貨,傳遞信息,做出必要的改變
- Comply with the F.I.F.O. system
- 遵守F.I.F.O.系統
- Check storage conformity (place, stacking)
- 檢查存儲一致性(位置、堆疊)
6 - Manage internal handling operations at production sites 管理生產(chǎn)現場(chǎng)的內部裝卸工工作
- Supply production stations according to the instructions provided
- 根據提供的說(shuō)明協(xié)助生產(chǎn)
- Remove products from production stations according to the instructions provide
- 根據說(shuō)明書(shū)要求,將產(chǎn)品從生產(chǎn)位置轉移
7 - Manage end product stock entry operations 管理最終產(chǎn)品進(jìn)貨
- Record entries into storage in accordance with procedures in force
- 按照現行有效的程序記錄入庫記錄
- Store products in the warehouses in accordance with procedures in force
- 按照現行有效的程序將產(chǎn)品存放在倉庫中
Specific missions and other responsibility from local: 特定任務(wù)及本崗位的其他職責:
- 自我控制能力,掌握收貨、入庫、發(fā)貨常識,能承受壓力。
- 有處理收貨、入庫、發(fā)貨復雜操作的能力,及時(shí)準確,裝貨、準確卸貨、料箱等。
- 能使用電腦,有效的鏟車(chē)操作證。
- 使用和遵守所有操作流程,操作指導和相關(guān)附錄要求。確保工作開(kāi)展時(shí)符合健康,安全和環(huán)境保護要求。
- 健康安全和環(huán)境保護預防和防護設備發(fā)生破損或故障時(shí),當環(huán)境惡化威脅逼近或者其他原因會(huì )導致對人員和設備安全造成威脅時(shí),及時(shí)匯報,確保環(huán)境影響最小。
- 收貨、發(fā)運、入庫及裝運,準備、及時(shí)準確記錄所有表格、接受相關(guān)文件;準備貨物和遇危害物質(zhì)時(shí)建議解決方案;按裝載計劃裝貨及打包貨物。
- 發(fā)貨單準備并確保和所備貨物匹配發(fā)貨檢查確認檢查裝載貨物包裝數量和質(zhì)量及料箱符合要求。
- 檢查和解決職責范圍內的一般問(wèn)題,確保好的解決方案。
- 工作中報告異常,執行調整操作;對庫存盤(pán)點(diǎn)并報告結果。
- 實(shí)行庫位管理、按照先進(jìn)先出規則操作
- 檢查庫位情況(位置,堆疊情況符合工作倉庫相關(guān)工作指導要求)。
- 確保負責區域和物料、產(chǎn)品、料箱的清潔和安全;確保存貨區域清潔。
- 庫存短缺時(shí)直接和領(lǐng)班及上級溝通解決
- 確保生產(chǎn)用物料供應及時(shí)準確
- 按需要參加會(huì )議和工作組
- 在負責的領(lǐng)域提出改進(jìn)建議
- 在職責范圍內培訓新人
- 收貨、入庫、發(fā)運崗位多方位協(xié)助,多任務(wù)的操作。
- 參與持續改進(jìn)。
Responsibilities in terms of Quality Safety Environment Progress 質(zhì)量安全環(huán)境進(jìn)展方面的責任
- Use and follow processes, instruction sheets and appendices and propose improvements. Ensure that work is carried out in accordance with safety and environmental protection instructions. Report any deterioration or anomaly in preventive or protective equipment, hazardous situations that may be detrimental to the safety of people and equipment and to the protection of the environment
- 使用和遵守流程,操作指導和相關(guān)要求。確保工作開(kāi)展時(shí)符合健康,安全和環(huán)境保護要求。報告預防或防護設備的失效或異常,以及對人員和設備的安全和環(huán)境保護可能有害的危險情況